I've seen a great number of young Christians and church-goers show a great interest in dating a young girl or boy who is not a follower of Jesus Christ. When I encounter this situation, I will invariably offer my opinion on the wisdom of such a situation, and usually, I am ignored and treated like a big jerk. So with this post, I do not seek to lay out the wisdom in not dating unbelievers (although there is much wisdom there). Instead, I seek to ask a question that gets to the root of the issue.
How important is Jesus to you? Is He the central focus of your life? Do you make a habit of reading the Word so you can learn about Him? Does the Bible inform all of your decisions and opinions? Or is Jesus just an add-on in your life. Is Jesus like the stereo in your car? It is always on and blaring. You turn it down to talk on the phone or if other people are in the car. But if the radio stops working, the car continues to function just fine. The ride just isn't as much fun and you have to find other ways to distract yourself. (Ok, maybe that analogy limps a little.)
So if you want to date an unbeliever, ask yourself what is your motivation. What is making you want to date someone who doesn't have the same core convictions and probably has a lot of values that are antithetical to your own? Why date someone who is unable to encourage you in Christ and point you toward Him? You're answer should reveal to you how important Christ really is to you, and hopefully will tell you if dating an unbeliever is really the right choice.
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You are right, dating and unbeliever is not a wise choice to make, and in all honesty if your focus in life is to please God, you shouldn't even want to date an unbeliever. God calls us to be separated from the world, joining ourselves romantically with an unbeliever is a very dangerous situation to put ourselves in.